Listes des étudiants convoqués à passer l’entretien oral des concours d’accés au doctorat 2025/2024 لوائح الطلبة المدعوين لاجتياز المقابلات الشفوية الخاصة بمباريات الولوج لسلك الدكتوراهListe des candidats convoqués à l’examen écrit du Master : «  Médias et Sciences Humaines »التعبير عن رغبات المشاركة في الانشطة الرياضية للموسم الجامعي 2025/2024Résultats définitifs des concours d’accès aux masters et licences 2025/2024النتائج النهائية لمباريات الولوج للماستر و الاجازاتEmplois du temps session automne استعمالات الزمن الخاصة بالدورة الخريفية 2025/2024Listes des étudiants convoqués à passer l’épreuve écrite des concours des masters et licences 2024/2025 لوائح الطلبة المدعوين لاجتياز الامتحانات الكتابية الخاصة بمباريات الماستر و الاجازات“communication des organisations”تمديد فترة التسجيل في مسار التميز برسم السنة الجامعية 2024/2025برمجة مباريات الماستر و الإجازات التي تشترط مباراة الدخول بكلية الآداب والعلوم الانسانية بنمسيك برسم السنة الجامعية 2024-2025L’inscription des nouveaux bacheliers pour l’année universitaire تسجيل الطلبة الجدد للموسم الجامعي 2025/2024Réinscription au titre de l’année universitaire 2024/2025 اعادة التسجيل برسم الموسم الجامعي

Annotated webliography: Links to open-access journals

Annotated webliography: Links to open-access journals

Selected by Abdelmajid Bouziane

Dear Student,

Welcome to this list of open-access journals. Check the latest issue of each journal to keep abreast of novelties in your area of interest.

This list of websites contains journal with free access. It should be acknowledged that there are other well-known and established journals but they have restricted access to their materials. The links to these journals are operational as of October 2014.

If you have other interesting sites, please send them to me to share them here. My email is :

Cultural Studies Review

Cultural Studies Review is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication and circulation of quality thinking in cultural studies—in particular work that draws out new kinds of politics, as they emerge in diverse sites. We are interested in writing that shapes new relationships between social groups, cultural practices and forms of knowledge and which provides some account of the questions motivating its production. We welcome work from any discipline that meets these aims. Aware that new thinking in cultural studies may produce a new poetics we have a dedicated new writing section to encourage the publication of works of critical innovation, political intervention and creative textuality.

Scan | Journal of Media Arts Culture

The journal is refereed (ISSN 1449-1818), concerned with both the aesthetics and political economy of media arts, as practised in both new and traditional forms. The magazine contains non-refereed, informal pieces on media arts and related culture. The gallery contains online and digital art works. The approach of both the journal and magazine is inter-disciplinary, drawing on media studies, cultural studies, media law, information and technology studies, fine arts and philosophy. Scan considers developments in network culture, digital media, screen arts, digital art, music and audio arts, as well as the culture enveloping these practices and technologies. Scan has recently been redesigned and older content has not yet been migrated. For the time being please use the link to the pre-2012 archive until all content has been moved across.


eHumanista is a peer-reviewed electronic journal providing a forum for original research in Spanish and Portuguese Medieval and Early Modern Literatures and Cultures. The journal not only publishes original articles, but it also serves as a distributor for monographs, scholarly editions of texts and manuscripts, and reviews related to the current state of the field. Our goal is to address the needs of scholars by providing a forum for the dissemination of new discoveries in the field, and also to provide wide-spread and immediate access to manuscripts and edited texts which are currently only viewed in special collections or on microfilm. The unique medium of electronic scholarship allows us to publish studies of varying lengths and in diverse formats, thus we accept submissions in the form of long monographs, interactive graphically-rich editions and manuscripts edited with hyperlinks or enhanced with visual and sound files. Most publications are retrievable in PDF format.

The European Journal of American Studies

The European Journal of American Studies is produced by the European Association for American Studies (EAAS), a federation of national and joint-national associations of specialists of the United States ( regrouping approximately 4000 scholars from 27 European countries. It publishes three or four issues each year. Each issue is either thematically composed or incrementally evolutive. It welcomes contributions from Americanists in Europe and elsewhere and aims at making available reliable information and state-of-the-art research on all aspects of United States culture and society. Contributions will be submitted to the approval of the editorial committee following specialized peer-review. The director of this publication is the President of the European Association for American Studies. Opinions expressed in EJAS should however be considered as strictly that of the authors.

aspeers: emerging voices in american studies

aspeers is the first and currently only graduate-level peer-reviewed print journal for European American studies. Anchored in Leipzig’s American studies MA program, it is being published annually by a student editorial team and is dedicated to publishing the best American Studies scholarship done on the graduate level of European universities.

AMERICANA – E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary

AMERICANA – E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, supported and maintained by the Department of American Studies at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged, has been launched to provide a forum for students and scholars who are actively engaged in studying the culture of the United States of America and the Americas.

La Revue de Recherche en Civilisation Américaine

La Revue de Recherche en Civilisation Américaine est une revue universitaire en ligne consacrée aux pratiques symboliques, économiques et sociales aux États-Unis. Elle souhaite donner un écho aux réflexions et aux travaux scientifiques de chercheurs en civilisation américaine et contribuer activement, dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, à la recherche française dans ce domaine. Chaque numéro contient des articles qui répondent d’abord et avant tout à des critères de rigueur intellectuelle, une discussion-débat d’experts, et des recensions d’ouvrages. Le rythme de parution/mise en ligne est annuel.

The American Studies Journal

The American Studies Journal is published semiannually. Each issue of the American Studies Journal is devoted to a particular theme in American Studies.

Transatlantica: Revue des Etudes Américaines

Publiée par l’Association Française d’Études Américaines, Transatlantica est une revue semestrielle à comité de rédaction indépendant, pratiquant l’évaluation en double aveugle. Elle veut être un lieu de débat et de publication pour l’ensemble des études américaines, sans exclusive. Les contributions, en français ou en anglais, peuvent adopter toutes les formes possibles, de l’article scientifique classique à l’ensemble de documents multimédias. Un numéro de Transatlantica est en général composé de plusieurs dossiers thématiques que complètent des articles hors-thème et plusieurs rubriques récurrentes.

The Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS)

The Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS) is a peer-reviewed online journal that seeks to broaden the interdisciplinary study of American cultures in a transnational context. JTAS is the first academic journal explicitly focused on what Shelley Fisher Fishkin in her 2004 American Studies Association presidential address called the “transnational turn” in American Studies.