Ouverture des formations continues 2024/2025 فتح التكوينات المستمرةListe des candidats présélectionnés pour passer l’épreuve écrite du concours d’accès à la formation doctorale:communication, philosophie et sémiotiqueListes des étudiants convoqués à passer l’entretien oral des concours d’accés au doctorat 2025/2024 لوائح الطلبة المدعوين لاجتياز المقابلات الشفوية الخاصة بمباريات الولوج لسلك الدكتوراهListe des candidats convoqués à l’examen écrit du Master : «  Médias et Sciences Humaines »التعبير عن رغبات المشاركة في الانشطة الرياضية للموسم الجامعي 2025/2024Résultats définitifs des concours d’accès aux masters et licences 2025/2024النتائج النهائية لمباريات الولوج للماستر و الاجازاتEmplois du temps session automne استعمالات الزمن الخاصة بالدورة الخريفية 2025/2024Listes des étudiants convoqués à passer l’épreuve écrite des concours des masters et licences 2024/2025 لوائح الطلبة المدعوين لاجتياز الامتحانات الكتابية الخاصة بمباريات الماستر و الاجازات“communication des organisations”تمديد فترة التسجيل في مسار التميز برسم السنة الجامعية 2024/2025برمجة مباريات الماستر و الإجازات التي تشترط مباراة الدخول بكلية الآداب والعلوم الانسانية بنمسيك برسم السنة الجامعية 2024-2025

Annotated webliography: Links to open-access journals


Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL)

The online journal Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL) is a scholarly international refereed journal originally founded as a print journal in 1983 at the University of Aston, Birmingham, England. The journal moved to the University of Hawai‘i in 2002 under the co-editorship of Richard R. Day and Thom Hudson, and Reviews Editor Anne Burns, Macquarie University, Australia. It is supported by the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC), the University of Hawai‘i College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, and the University of Hawai‘i Department of Second Language Studies. Reading in a Foreign Language has established itself as an excellent source for the latest developments in the field, both theoretical and pedagogic, including improving standards for foreign language reading.

Taiwan Journal of Linguistics

Taiwan Journal of Linguistics is an international journal dedicated to the publication of research papers on linguistics and welcomes contributions in all areas of the scientific study of language. Review articles of linguistics-related books and informal book announcements are also welcome. Contributions may be submitted from all countries and are accepted all year round.

The Linguistics Journal

The Linguistics is the scientific study of language, as such it is comprised of the study of the structure and development of a particular language and its relationship to other languages, the connection between language and mind, the relation between language and society and many other fields.

Translation Journal

A publication for Translaters by Translators about Translators and Translation.

SKY Journal of Linguistics

The Linguistic Association of Finland was founded in 1977 to promote linguistic research and the teaching of linguistics in Finland by offering a forum for discussion, both in Finland and abroad.

The Asian EFL Journal

The Asian EFL Journal is published monthly and presents information, theories, research, methods and materials related to language acquisition and language learning. An academic Second Language Acquisition Research Journal. The Asian EFL Journal is one of the world’s leading refereed and indexed journals for second language research.


An interdisciplinary journal developing the notion of “translating, between cultures”, launched in 1999, has a crucial role to play as an alternative to currently dominant ideologies. This concept is likely to create new dynamics related to the formal acknowledgement of cultural diversity, and to renew intercultural reflection and action in the contemporary world and for the future. The association runs international cultural cooperation programmes, organise training programmes, research and translation workshops and residencies, conferences, seminars.