Diplôme: MASTER
Identification de la filière:
Discipline (s) (Par ordre d’importance relative) :
Spécialité(s) du diplôme :
Coordonnateur pédagogique de la filière
Prénom et Nom : TAOUFIk JAAFARI
E. Mail
Objectif de la formation:
The program aims at qualifying students for doctoral research, but also for the job market if need be. Being of a multidisciplinary nature, it simultaneously targets both objectives inasmuch as core modules enable the students to acquire a broad outlook on Moroccan and American cultures while skills and complementary modules provide practical training that is relevant to the job market. Such a view of the training is important especially that it is conceived as a continuity to the licence training that aims at turning out professionals who can act as intermediaries between Moroccan decision-makers and their American counterparts in the fields of politics, diplomacy, arts and culture, and in the world of business at large. The program also focuses on an in-depth approach to the study of Moroccan and American cultures in view of producing experts in cultural issues who are able of to promote understanding between different cultures in an increasingly globalized world that is in need for open, cosmopolitan minds.
Condition d’accès:
- The students will gain self-confidence at two levels: personal and interpersonal:
- Personal: they become methodical in research issues, knowing how to determine relevant research and to raise appropriate research questions.
- Interpersonal: They also gain interpersonal communicative skills that enable them to integrate into the job market
Condition d’accès:
MODALITES D’ADMISSION (La norme RG3 du CNPN prévoit, pour la Licence Professionnelle, que la sélection des candidats se fait par voie de test écrit et de toute autre modalité prévue dans le descriptif de la filière)
- Diplômes requis :
- Licence of English
- Pré-requis pédagogiques spécifiques : Good command of English, Arabic, and French as well as basic knowledge of Moroccan and American cultures.
- Procédures de sélection :
- Etude du dossier
- Test écrit
- Entretien
Autres (spécifier)
- aucun
Débouchés de la formation:
- The aim of this master is to train advanced researchers in Moroccan and American cultures who can also act as middlemen between Moroccans and Americans in different domains of exchange, in both private and private sectors.
Semestres: 1, 2, 3 et 4.
{jutabs type=”accordion” accordionmode=”horizontal” height=”300px”}
[tab title=”Semestre 1″]
N° | Modules |
1 | Cultural History of Moroccan–American Relations |
2 | Literary Theory |
3 | Arts and Cultural Management |
4 | Religion in America |
5 | Text Linguistics |
6 | Academic Writing |
[tab title=”Semestre 2″]
N° | Modules |
1 | Moroccan and American Popular Cultures |
2 | Linguistic Situations |
3 | American Literature |
4 | Moroccan Literature |
5 | Issues in Moroccan and American Press |
6 | Research Methodology and IT |
[tab title=”Semestre 3″]
N° | Modules |
1 | Language Policy |
2 | Travel Colonialism and Oral History |
3 | Morocco in American Cinema |
4 | Moroccan American Politics |
5 | Culture-based Translation |
6 | Research Orientations |
[tab title=”Semestre 4″]
N° | Modules |